Tomato Organic Fertilizer Program

Tomato Organic Fertilizer Program

By following our Tomato Organic Fertilizer Program, you are able to farm more cost-effectively and sustainably.

Tomatoes are a fruit that belongs to the nightshade family (Solanaceae). They are round or oblong in shape and have a bright red, yellow, or green color. Tomatoes qualify as a fruit because they originate from flowers and contain seeds. Tomatoes are commonly used as a vegetable.

Learn here more about tomatoes

Tomatoes are native to South America and were first cultivated by the Aztecs and Incas. Today, people grow tomatoes worldwide and incorporate them as a crucial element in various cuisines. People can eat tomatoes either raw or cooked, and they play a significant role in various dishes such as salads, soups, stews, and sauces. Tomatoes are also a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to a healthy diet.

Farmers grow commercial tomatoes intensively for processing, while they cultivate normal tomatoes traditionally for fresh consumption in markets.

Differences between factory tomatoes and normal tomatoes

Taste: Normal tomatoes generally have a better taste than factory tomatoes because farmers breed the latter for uniformity and durability rather than flavor.

Nutritional value: Compared to normal tomatoes, factory tomatoes may contain lower levels of antioxidants and vitamin C due to their growth and processing methods.

Appearance: Farmers usually harvest factory tomatoes before they ripen and artificially ripen them during transportation, which can alter their texture and appearance.

Chemicals: Farmers often apply pesticides and other chemicals to factory tomatoes to increase yield and prevent diseases, while normal tomatoes are grown with fewer chemicals.

Cost: Factory tomatoes are usually less expensive than normal tomatoes because they are produced on a large scale and are primarily used for processed foods.

Contact our experts for advice on customized Tomato Organic Fertilizer Program.

Tomato Cultivars

There are many different cultivars of tomatoes, each with unique characteristics in terms of flavor, size, color, texture, and growth habits. Here are some of the most common cultivars of tomatoes:

  • Beefsteak tomatoes: Large, meaty tomatoes that are great for slicing and adding to sandwiches and salads.
  • Cherry tomatoes: Small, bite-sized tomatoes that are often sweeter than larger varieties and are great for snacking, salads, and roasting.
  • Roma tomatoes: People often use oblong-shaped, firm-fleshed tomatoes for creating tomato sauce, canning, and drying.
  • Heirloom tomatoes: People have passed down non-hybrid tomato varieties through generations due to their unique shapes, colors, and flavors.
  • Grape tomatoes: Small, oval-shaped tomatoes that are great for snacking and adding to salads.
  • Plum tomatoes: Like Roma tomatoes, people frequently use these oblong-shaped varieties for creating sauces and canning.
  • Green tomatoes: People can fry or pickle tomatoes that farmers harvest before they ripen.
  • Yellow tomatoes: Tomatoes that are yellow in color, often sweeter and less acidic than red varieties.
  • Indeterminate tomatoes: Tomato plants that continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the growing season.
  • Determinate tomatoes: Tomato plants that grow to a certain height and then stop producing fruit.

There are many other cultivars of tomatoes, including hybrid varieties that combine the characteristics of different types of tomatoes. The choice of cultivar depends on personal preference, growing conditions, and intended use.


Nutritional Facts

People regard tomatoes as a nutritious food due to their high nutrient content and low calorie count. Here are some reasons why tomatoes are good for you:

  • Rich in nutrients: Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K, and folate. They also contain small amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals.
  • High in antioxidants: Tomatoes have lycopene that fights diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.
  • Low in calories: Tomatoes are high-fiber, low-calorie foods, making them ideal for weight management.
  • May improve heart health: Tomatoes’ potassium and lycopene can lower blood pressure, inflammation, and oxidative stress for improved heart health.
  • May reduce cancer risk. Tomatoes’ lycopene consumption linked to lower risk of breast, prostate, and lung cancer.
  • May improve eye health: Tomatoes’ vitamin A and lutein improve eye health and reduce age-related macular degeneration risk.

Tomatoes offer numerous health benefits, including heart health and cancer risk reduction.

Program Disclaimer


Please keep in mind that these programs were developed without being based on any soil analysis. Some applications as per the schedule may be reduced or eliminated if the farmer is happy with the progress of the crop. This program will allow the farmer to drastically reduce or even eliminate his conventional chemical fertilizer program. The program can be adjusted as the season progresses and it is the farmer’s choice to follow the above program. The idea always remains to keep the farmer’s production costs as low as possible and to achieve the same or an increase of yield.


Neem asseblief kennis dat hierdie programme ontwikkel is dat geen grond ontledings ontvang is nie. Sommige toedienings volgens die skedule kan verminder of uitgeskakel word indien die boer tevrede is met die vordering van sy gewasse. Hierdie programme sal die boer in staat stel om sy konvensionele chemiese bemestingsprogram drasties te verminder of selfs uit te skakel. Die program kan aangepas word soos die seisoen vorder en dit is die boer se keuse om bogenoemde program te volg. Die idee bly altyd om die boer se produksiekoste so laag as moontlik te hou en om dieselfde of ’n opbrengsverhoging te behaal.

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