Banana Organic Fertilizer Program

Banana Organic Fertilizer Program

Easily Adding Our Banana Organic Fertilizer Program

Agri-Boost is an organic and locally produced fertiliser, with sterilised abattoir blood and bone as main ingredients. The final product is further fortified with Sea Kelp, Fulvic acid, Humic acid, nano micro-elements and soil micro-organism to ensure a well balanced organic food source for plants and soil.  We can help you to farm more sustainable and cost effectively, by easily adding this Banana Organic Fertilizer Program to your conventional program.

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world! Bananas are believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, but they are now grown in many different parts of the world. They were introduced to the Western world in the 15th century by Portuguese explorers. Did you know that bananas are actually berries and are related to ginger and turmeric?  They are also the world’s most popular fruit, with more than 100 billion bananas consumed each year.

Are Bananas fruit or not? 

The classification of bananas as fruit is somewhat ambiguous. Although commonly referred to as a banana tree, the plant is actually a herb with a fleshy stem, more closely related to ginger than to trees, which have woody stems. Therefore, while bananas can be considered a fruit, there is also an argument for them not being classified as such.

The object that is commonly peeled and consumed is a fruit, as it contains the plant’s seeds. However, due to commercial cultivation, banana plants are now sterile, resulting in the gradual reduction of the seeds to tiny specks.

Furthermore, bananas grow in clusters called “hands,” which are part of a larger stem referred to as a “bunch.”

There are a significantly greater number of varieties than you may realize.

When you hear Mona Lisa, Ice Cream, and Goldfinger in banana lingo, they all belong to the banana family. There are many different types of bananas, but the most commonly consumed variety is the Cavendish banana. Other varieties include the plantain, red banana, and Lady Finger banana.

Bananas are grown in over 150 countries worldwide, and it’s widely believed that there are more than 1,000 different varieties that are categorized into 50 distinct groups. The most commonly produced banana for export markets is the Cavendish.

Among the various types of bananas, there is the Blue Java, also known as the Ice Cream banana due to its blue skin and creamy texture resembling ice cream. The Macabu is another variety that turns black when fully ripe and has a sweet pulp. The Niño is a small, mild-tasting banana, while the Burro banana has squared sides and a lemony taste when ripe.

What are the health benefits of bananas?

Bananas are a good source of several important nutrients, including potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber. They are also low in fat and calories.

In face of a common belief, bananas are relatively low in potassium compared to other foods, such as beans, milk, apricots, carrots, bell peppers, and sweet potatoes. Bananas have several health benefits, including improving digestion, regulating blood sugar levels, and reducing the risk of heart disease. They may also help with weight loss and improve athletic performance.


The ripening of a banana is a process!

Bananas can be purchased either green or ripe. They will continue to ripen after they are picked, so it is important to store them properly. To ripen bananas more quickly, place them in a paper bag with an apple or tomato.

Recommended ways to eat bananas?

Bananas can be eaten on their own, sliced and added to cereal or yogurt, or used in baking. They are also a popular ingredient in smoothies and milkshakes. Bananas are delicious in banana bread!

Don’t throw out that banana peel!

While the nutritional value of a banana is often discussed, less attention is given to its peel, which has a variety of off-label uses due to its blend of acids, oils, and enzymes.

For example, a banana peel can be placed on a splinter to help remove foreign objects and promote healing. Additionally, rubbing a banana peel on a scratched DVD or CD can fill the scratches without damaging the plastic finish, preventing skipping.

The benefits of banana peels extend to personal care, as well. They can be used to remove ink stains, soothe insect bites, polish shoes, dust plants, and even whiten teeth.

Banana peels have also been utilized for other purposes, such as water purification, ethanol production, and fertilizer. Furthermore, they are often included in the feedstock for various animals, including cattle, goats, pigs, and poultry.

Can you use banana peels as fertilizer? 

Banana peels contain lots of potassium, which is one of the three main macronutrients that plants need, and also phosphorus. However, they do not contain nitrogen.  This makes banana peels a good fertilizer only for specific circumstances.  Potassium encourages both fruits and the flowering process. The Calcium in bananas is a vital nutrient in combating blossom end rot in tomatoes.

Some of the plants that love banana peel fertilizer are:

Air Plants, banana trees, peppers, roses, and tomatoes.

Download the Banana Organic Fertilizer Program for free!

Program Disclaimer


Please keep in mind that these programs were developed without being based on any soil analysis. Some applications as per the schedule may be reduced or eliminated if the farmer is happy with the progress of the crop. This program will allow the farmer to drastically reduce or even eliminate his conventional chemical fertilizer program. The program can be adjusted as the season progresses and it is the farmer’s choice to follow the above program. The idea always remains to keep the farmer’s production costs as low as possible and to achieve the same or an increase of yield.


Neem asseblief kennis dat hierdie programme ontwikkel is dat geen grond ontledings ontvang is nie. Sommige toedienings volgens die skedule kan verminder of uitgeskakel word indien die boer tevrede is met die vordering van sy gewasse. Hierdie programme sal die boer in staat stel om sy konvensionele chemiese bemestingsprogram drasties te verminder of selfs uit te skakel. Die program kan aangepas word soos die seisoen vorder en dit is die boer se keuse om bogenoemde program te volg. Die idee bly altyd om die boer se produksiekoste so laag as moontlik te hou en om dieselfde of ’n opbrengsverhoging te behaal.

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